WHMSonic Hosting Prices
WHMSonic hosting prices vary according to the general features of the packages created. Packages consist of prices starting from $ 10.
The main sources in determining WHMSonic hosting prices are as follows:
Disk Capacity
Disc capacity is the space where your radio’s music files are stored. It differs according to the packages.
Broadcast Quality
Broadcast quality refers to the sound quality your radio exports. It varies between 64 Kbps and 320 Kbps.
Instant Listener Count
The number of instant listeners indicates how many people listen to your radio at the same time. Instant listener expression causes a number of questions.
This statement is not based on how many people listen to the listeners daily, weekly, monthly or yearly, but the number of people who wish at the same time.
At this point, our recommendation is to start with small packages and increase your package by increasing the number of radio listeners.
Auto DJ
The Auto DJ feature allows you to program your radio automatically. With Auto DJ, you can set your radio programs for specific days and times.
In the same way, you can place advertisements and jingles periodically.
Other Advanced Features
Another option in determining the prices is the features offered by the system. This feature varies according to the systems. It can be Web DJ, Api or integrations.
WHMSonic Hosting Package Samples:
Pack 1
Disc capacity: 5 GB, Broadcast Quality: 128 Kbps, Number of Instant Listeners: 100
Pack 2
Disk capacity: 10 GB, Broadcast Quality: 256 Kbps, Number of Instant Listeners: 250, Additional Features: WebDJ
Pack 3
Disk capacity: 20 GB, Broadcast Quality: 320 Kbps, Number of Instant Listeners: 500, Additional Features: WebDJ, Integrations
Pack 4
Disk capacity: 50 GB, Broadcast Quality: 320 Kbps, Number of Instant Listeners: 5000, Additional Features: WebDJ, Integrations, Api
Competitive Hosting Prices
Recupy follows a competitive strategy in radio hosting prices . It offers new generation technology at affordable prices with its advanced server infrastructure.
You can examine our Radio Hosting Prices and our other products, Radio Website CMS , Radio Mobile Application, Radio Progressive Web Apps, Chrome Extension
prices on the Prices page.
Radio Hosting Prices Comparison
You can check the Hosting Websites to compare the Radio Hosting Prices. WHMSonic
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